Lenka Champion, MD

I think the OPD Scan is a wonderful tool, especially for patients who have had multifocal implants. I have certainly, as any other surgeon, had–have had a physician–a patient with an outcome that is less than ideal. I can think of specifically one patient who presented after his surgery with a corrected vision of 20/25 in J1, a nicely done surgery with a nicely centered implant and was still unhappy. So, we went back and started looking at what could be the cause. We looked at the posterior chamber implant, and it was clear with minimal posterior capsule fibrosis. And we also looked at the cornea and everything was fine. So, we went back to the OPD. We noticed his preoperative measurements were very normal. His cornea was clear. He was a good candidate. That was the case at one week postoperatively as well. And then, we looked at the OPD, and the nice thing about OPD is that it really splits your aberrations into the cornea and the posterior segment, the internal OPD, and this is where it becomes really important. It is truly an aberrometer of the entire eye. And when we looked at his posterior, or the internal OPD, we noticed that there were quite a few aberrations there. There were still less than before surgery, but it was very clear that the aberrations were coming from there. So, we assumed that the aberrations were most likely coming from his minimal posterior capsule fibrosis but weren’t sure.So, we were able to convince him to wait a little bit and re-measure those aberrations in a few weeks. In a few weeks those aberrations increased. And indeed, we then knew that the aberrations were coming from the posterior capsule fibrosis and not from the lens. And we were able to reassure the patient and explain to him that with a simple laser procedure he would be able to–we would be able to help him improve his visual outcome and do not need to worry about possibly explanting the implant.