Shop Marco Lombart
Online shopping for Marco supplies, accessories, and small instruments can now be found at the Marco Lombart website. Free Shipping on Online Orders over $179!*
*Free shipping is only available for online orders in the continential United States. Certain exclusions apply. Exclusions include, but are not limited, to the following products: Acuity Systems & Projectors, Chair & Stand Accessories, Autorefractors, Lensmeters, Keratometers, Portable Slit Lamps, Stools, Tables, Tonometers, Trial Lens Sets.
EyeCare Cards
IC Cards to transfer data between Marco related equipment. 5 Cards per Kit. Compatible with Marco IC Card Readers and Related Equipment.
EMR Connection Cable, USB
Cables to connect Marco Ophthalmic automated diagnostic equipment to EMR (Electronic Medical Records) systems for EMR capture
Non-LED 101 Self Inking Pens
Marco Lensmeter Ink Cartridges are replacement self-inking marking pens for the Marco 101 Lensometer and Nidek lensmeters.
Marco/NIDEK Autorefractor Thermal Printer Paper
Printer paper for Marco/Nidek measures approximately 2.25″ (57mm) wide.
IC Card Reader Cleaning Cards
Removes build up dirt, dust, oil and other contaminants to keep your card readers functiong properly.