Slit Lamp Imaging has become increasingly valuable in diagnosing and treating pathology, and electronic medical records (EMR) have provided a means of storing and accessing that information at a click of a button. Marco’s iON Imaging System is a slit-lamp camera using the iPhone to capture, view and transmit images to the medical record.
With a flip of the beam-splitter lever the camera sees what you’re seeing through the oculars, and with the press of the Marco slit-lamp’s joystick button an image is captured. It’s as easy as that. You can take photos and videos and upload those images directly to your computer and EMR software.
While the ION imaging system excels at photographing anterior segment anomalies, you can use it to photograph pesky floaters as well. Want to capture a spastic entropion? Video is also an option.
Patient and staff safety is the current hot topic which ION can address by design. You can see clearly see a cornea scan on the ION without looking through the oculars of the slit lamp during the exam which adds an additional gap between you and the patient. The ION can also mirror images to your desktop computer, adding an additional element in reducing contact by looking at your computer monitor.
The ION is also helpful in educating patients. A photograph of a corneal foreign body, worsening cataract or aberrant lashes goes a long way in teaching patients just what is wrong with their eyes. The ION imaging system, with its ease of use, affordability and image quality can be a great addition to your practice. Add to that its educational benefits and you have a real practice-enhancing tool.