Archives: Testimonials

Richard Prince, MD

The incorporation of the new EPIC-5100 automated refraction system along with the TonoRef II into our practice has not only made the routine and post-op refractions more accurate, but has improved our refractive cataract surgery work flow – the post-op interim examinations between the two surgeries is quicker, more accurate and does not require any eye drops. Our technical staff really appreciate the enhancement to their work flow as well!

Michael Chow, OD, MBA

The Tonoref II from Marco provides us with fast and accurate refractive and keratometric measurements. The tonometry measurements are extremely accurate compared to Goldmann readings on the same patient. We decided to adopt EMR in our office; we are able to upload all the data from the Tonoref II and the rest of our refraction directly into our EMR with a click of a button, where it becomes a permanent part of the exam record.

Richard Edlow, OD

We successfully increased our patient volume with the simple addition of a piece of equipment from Marco. We traded out our old autorefractor with the Tonoref II which rapidly provides precise objective refraction, keratometry, and non-contact tonometry. I added one additional patient per hour when we implemented the Tonoref II (operated by a staff member) so it quickly paid for itself.

Kimberly Tinge, OD

We’ve been very happy with our Ion. We had heard doctors speak about taking slit lamp pictures with their smartphones, but we’d never been able to do it well. The ion made it so simple. I do use it for billable pathology. But we also use it for smooth transitions of care between doctors when we have to hand off a complicated contact lens fit or an eye infection because one of us will be out of the office. That picture attached to their visit in our EHR is so much more descriptive than any note I could write.

John Warren, OD

I really enjoy the simplicity of the Ion imaging system. Patients enjoy being able to see images of their own eyes, especially when its nothing too serious and I use the images for patient education as well as to document more severe conditions of the anterior segment. Once the images are automatically exported I can upload them into my EHR and I can easily share them with other doctors as needed.

Wally Ryne, OD

Having the ability to show patient’s their cataracts, their ocular surface disease, corneal neovascularization, and all anterior segment disorders has been a fabulous tool to not only educate our patients but improve compliance with our recommended treatments.

Dennis DeLee, OD

The ion is easy to use and images are crisp and clear. I can mirror an image onto my screen with Airplay to share a problem with a patient. Seeing a problem the way I see it is very helpful in getting the patient to comply with my treatment plan. Easily seeing improvement as the patient continues treatment gives the patient positive reinforcement. Thanks for inventing the ion for me.

Kevin Kelly, MD

I saw a Marco chair model at another practice and I compared the tilt back and electronic versions. For the price and functionality, the tilt back worked better for me. In eight years only one has broken.

Susan Thomas, Administrator

The EPIC allows us to have more lanes in less space, it’s more efficient, and workups are accurate and consistent, interfaced easily with the EMR system. The EPIC lets us see two to four more patients per hour.

Trent Roark, Administrator

Using the EPIC refraction system from Marco, the technician can easily show the patient the difference between his current prescription and his new refraction. That side-by-side illustration helps educate the patient on the advantage new eyewear will have for reading, driving or work.